Brooke M. Richardson

Scholar (PhD., Social Policy), Activist, Educator, Mother and Researcher. 


Brooke Richardson, PhD, is a care activist, scholar and mother (of 4!) motivated by the belief that good care is foundational to meaningful lives and a democratic society.  She is an Assistant Professor position in Child and Youth Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University (Halifax, Canada) and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Sociology at Brock University (St. Catherines, Canada). Her research and scholarly work focus on the corporatization of childcare in Canada, political representations of the childcare policy “problem”, reconceptualizing and reasserting care in early childhood education, and reimagining child welfare systems through an ethics of care lens. She has published and presented nationally and internationally on topics related to caring for children and has recently published two edited volumes: Feminisms and the Early Childhood Educator: Critical Conversations (Bloomsbury) and Mothering on the Edge: A Critical Examination of Mothering within Child Protection Systems (Demeter Press). She is currently working on a follow up book, also with Demeter Press called: "Voices from the edge: First person voices of mothers who have survived child protection systems" (Project publication October 2025).

New Call for Submissions with Demeter Press!

“…for it is not difference which immobilized us, but silence. And there are so many silences to

be broken.” (Audre Lorde).

Voices from the edge: First person voices of mothers who have survived child protection systems 

Editors: Brooke Richardson, Laura Kucenty, Nicole Handrigan, Bibi Baksh

Brief description:

This book is about giving voice to mothers who have been, or are invovled, with risk-based child protection. It is an attempt to create space for mothers to take back the pen so-to-speak, as their/our stories have far too often been dictated by someone else. This book is about disrupting a deeply colonized and colonizing child “welfare”system where complacency routinely wreaks havoc on children and family’s lives.

We are seeking the first-person voices of mothers in authentic forms: short stories, poems, drawings, collages, reflections, etc... (see a above link for more information!)

Expressions of interest due November 10, 2024!